Baseball Registration



(This online form is for Baseball registrations only)


Our registration sites have been set up to register in compliance with Baseball Alberta and Softball Alberta leagues accordingly.  It is important you are registering your child in the appropriate league/division.  Failure to do so will result in a $50 administration fee.

Athabasca Minor Ball baseball registration is open to all kids born 2006** to 2020

Based on the year the player was born (birthday falls on or after January 1st of playing year) will determine registration in the following division:

Baseball Alberta 2025 Age Criteria

(5U) T-Ball (Rally Cap)

Born 2020 - 2021

(7U)  JR Rookie (Rally Cap)

Born 2018 - 2019

(9U)  SR Rookie

Born 2016 - 2017

(11U) formerly Mosquito

Born 2014 - 2015

(13U) formerly Pee Wee

Born 2012 - 2013

(15U) formerly Bantam

Born 2010 - 2011

(18U)** formerly Midget

Born 2006 - 2009

**Each midget 'A' (18U) team is eligible to have two (2) 19 year old athletes on a team (born 2006).

Registration fees for the 2024 season are as follows:


 A Baseball Fees

 AA Baseball Fees

5U T-Ball



7U Jr. Rookie



9U Sr. Rookie















Practices and games for 5U T-Ball are dependent upon coach availability (Monday - Friday) held twice a week.

Practices and games for 7U Jr. Rookie to 13U are held Monday and Wednesday.  Some travel games are required and will be determined at start of season, depending on which league teams are in.

Practices and games for 15U and 18U are dependent upon league schedule and will be determined prior to start of season. Some travel games are required.

Provincial teams (if applicable - 13U level and up) will play in July.

AA Teams game schedule will be subject to Baseball Alberta schedule.


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